Sunday, July 17, 2016

Those who love you

How do you treat the people that love you
Do you take take them for granted or see them as a blessing from above 
Do you see the whole person or get lost in tunnel vision
For that might be an irreparable incision
Do they get your unconditional respect
Or are they overwhelmed by what you expect
Are you wont to ask "what about me?"
Forgetting to make space for others to feel free
Do you ever consider how much they mean to you
and that your aim should be their happiness and not to make them blue
The love people have for you is a gift Divine
Never dismiss it,for it is from the heart and meant to shine
G-d created you with love sublime
Show love to those who love you for they are worth the time

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

New Day

Why is each new day not a dance
For G-d granted you entry ,not by chance
Why do so many always see what is wrong
For with a new day resonates a Divine song
Why do many start their day with a yawn
Nothing is guaranteed including the new dawn
Why are there those who feel their life is mundane
When each new day is a miracle of glorious gain
How does a person see a new morning and feel out of sight
When each new day is G-d saying "I" see you ,here is "My" light
Why do days pass without even a Wow
As each new day frees you from the past gifting you with the Now
Hug each day with all your might
For it is a celebration that the world needs you to be right

Sunday, July 10, 2016


why do so many of us give up on ourselves?
We are not fiction ,not trolls , not elves
We are real and full of emotion
which is why to live we need to be in motion
For to stand still is to have our fill
and mortally wound our will
so we give up and start looking down
and then we let self pity go to town
for we do not see past any wall
we find comfort in their justification and stall
If we only knew how much we are worth the fight
We would not despair no matter what holds our sight
How we look at the world is the world we live in
When we conquer the battlefield within
Our lens changes and the world takes on a different hue
thus it dawns on us that all that is truly needed is the authentic you

Thursday, July 7, 2016

In Memory Of Sweet 13 yr old Hallel murdered while sleeping this past week

I get up in the morning and I say Hallel
With heartfelt hope and prayer that all will go well
I look up and see a roof over my head, I say Hallel
I sit at the table full with food and I say I Hallel
In the time I spend with those I love I say Hallel
I say Hallel and give thanks to G-d for each and every second of life
But you Hallel were taken so cruelly with an enemy's knife
Tears flow free with a powerful current
At a life so innocent ,so beautiful destroyed in a way so abhorrent
Hallel , sweet angel , may your soul continue to soar
When I now say Hallel I know what it is for
To praise Hashem and remember to love
Boosting you higher and higher up above