Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Count Your Blessings

How do you go a day without counting your miracles & blessings
For even if you believe them to be few and far between
only when you count then are they truly seen
Never let them out of your sight
For they are the reasons you continue to fight
And the words of your Thankfulness
Lead to the actions of your gratitude
Which infuses meaningful life into your attitude

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

I Can

I will always learn to see and seek what I can
For to focus on what I cannot is to impose on myself a ban
I want to open my eyes to more than now
replacing I cannot with I can allows me to find out how
Allowing me to become aware of G-d's surrounding Wow
I can unleashes the authentic me
The only way I have a chance to be free
For it catapults me forward more than any word
Leading to action that keeps me significant and never lost in the herd
The blessing to be able to be what I can is a clear sign
That no matter what I need never resign my Divine design

No Excuse

Hashem I resolve to no further excuse myself from life
I do not want to be the harbinger of needless strife
How captivating the temptation of a comforting excuse
that distracts me into a life draining ruse without any enduring use
Hashem I know that excuse can be another word for fear
but I start to realize that at times to succeed you need to shed a tear
Excuses limit what I am open to believe
Convincing me that this is all I will ever achieve
Hashem I see now that excuses are no more than comfort zone glue
Keeping me from living a life that is authentic and true
Excuses remain words and reasons lead to meaningful action
which paves the way to my life's enduring satisfaction