Tuesday, August 21, 2018

True Courage

True courage is also when the going is good Taking an honest look at what is under the hood
You get more miles when you care & maintain
Getting rid of the camouflage,seeing what is plain
Because when you treat a car as it if it were a plane
You go through the pain but you find no gain
When you get that no matter what it is you,you must face
And build a willingness to do what you need to change and replace
It will all start to be more authentic and real
And your true courage and greatness you will start to feel
Life no matter your age,situation or circumstance
Will then reveal it's true tune and most enjoyable dance

Shine Divine

Hashem you give me this moment,It's mine
To give it my all and release my shine
So I let go of needless distraction
Which gives me no meaningful traction
I look for the wonder no matter how small
Knowing that I am taller than any wall
Because this moment is truly a gift
I will do what I need to make the shift
Finding myself standing strong in a light
That seems so much brighter because I am willing to fight
To take this moment to it's unlimited peak
Revealing that it has so much more than I seek
So I open myself up to all I can receive
For now I am truly willing to believe
That in my every choice
Lies the opportunity to find my true voice
I decide in this moment to realign
And to never give in or resign
For mine is a beautiful and unique design
With all of me in every moment shines Divine

Monday, August 20, 2018

Each day

When you choose to see each day as a gift
You can't help but let the blessing give you a lift
Even when you are feeling down
You find a smile ,your upside down frown
As you know that where you send your mind
Is the world around that you will find
Sometimes you just get so full of fear
But with gratitude you know miracles are near
So you decide never to give up hope
And you carry on climbing even a slippery the slope
The day may be full of apprehension
So you give it all over to G-d's attention
You do your best ,doing what you must
But there is a time that you just have to Trust
So with each new day that has come your way
Fill yourself with gratitude and don't astray
So that you remember that you are worth the fight
Because the world is in need of your authentic light

Saturday, August 18, 2018

The Land Woke Up

Israel was a land that was mostly sand
On which many for centuries dreamed to stand
It's vitality in hiding , milk and honey not flowing
For Israel without it's people had not much for the showing
The people began to recant and return
And the Land woke up and felt it's turn
Much sand receded giving way to redeeming green
Flowers , fruit and trees began to be seen
Beauty & potential aplenty still lie beneath the land & within the nation
Challenges abound with much work and anticipation
For 2000 years as individuals with not much more than a dream
Getting a nation to understand they are one takes time but we remain keen

Thursday, August 16, 2018

I am here

Israel is alive as long as I am here
For to wander no matter how long,is neither here nor there
Israel is vibrant through my simple life
No matter the attempts to augment national strife
In Israel the routine of going to the store
Ignites history making it so much more
Travelling to Jerusalem transcends what in my heart I will
For that seemingly mundane journey is a prophecy I fulfill
In Israel to live you cannot replace
As only here can our nation find it's true face