Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Everyone has a song for what is going wrong
Sadly those seem to be so very long
Keeping them in a tunnel that leads to night
As it is more comfortable to wallow in that sight
It takes so much energy to knock down that wall of pride
That you turn around and run to hide
But maybe when we learn to see some light
Whether a flicker or shining bright
We change our song to what is going right
No matter how small , no matter our plight
For we like to feel that to life and us there is more
With hope and joy for what could be in store
That wall of pride is knocked down in our stride
And out we come from life's wrong side
Choosing to see all that can be
For G-d's greatest gift is giving me to me

Thursday, September 20, 2018

The You That Has More

If you think you have gone as high as you are going to go
That is testimony most lucid that there is much you do not know
For is it not hubris beyond compare to maintain there is no higher me?
For no one has the fullest picture of whom they can truly be
If you decide that your life has reached it's ceiling
You have drained it of any continued meaning
For how can you matter if for you, more life does not matter
Open your heart and forget not to be humble
No matter the journey , no matter your stumble
For folly it is to assume full knowledge of that that which you did not create
So you stand willing , wanting and thirsting at possibility's gate
At the ready to learn and welcome the you that has more
As always with excitement to see what else is in store

Sunday, September 16, 2018

How do I find joy

How do I find joy in life
When all I see and feel is strife
Wherever I turn wrong seems rife
And regret has the cut of a searing knife
For some reason eventually I take pause
And it dawns on me that maybe I am the cause
Of what I choose to see and where I stand
So despite any strife I let my vision expand
To include what goes right ,what is magnificent and grand
I then busy myself with thank you so I have no time for why me
It suddenly becomes possible for me to authentically be
I choose better over bitter so that good is what I feel
then enduring joy no matter how big or small become totally real

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

True Courage

True courage is also when the going is good Taking an honest look at what is under the hood
You get more miles when you care & maintain
Getting rid of the camouflage,seeing what is plain
Because when you treat a car as it if it were a plane
You go through the pain but you find no gain
When you get that no matter what it is you,you must face
And build a willingness to do what you need to change and replace
It will all start to be more authentic and real
And your true courage and greatness you will start to feel
Life no matter your age,situation or circumstance
Will then reveal it's true tune and most enjoyable dance

Shine Divine

Hashem you give me this moment,It's mine
To give it my all and release my shine
So I let go of needless distraction
Which gives me no meaningful traction
I look for the wonder no matter how small
Knowing that I am taller than any wall
Because this moment is truly a gift
I will do what I need to make the shift
Finding myself standing strong in a light
That seems so much brighter because I am willing to fight
To take this moment to it's unlimited peak
Revealing that it has so much more than I seek
So I open myself up to all I can receive
For now I am truly willing to believe
That in my every choice
Lies the opportunity to find my true voice
I decide in this moment to realign
And to never give in or resign
For mine is a beautiful and unique design
With all of me in every moment shines Divine

Monday, August 20, 2018

Each day

When you choose to see each day as a gift
You can't help but let the blessing give you a lift
Even when you are feeling down
You find a smile ,your upside down frown
As you know that where you send your mind
Is the world around that you will find
Sometimes you just get so full of fear
But with gratitude you know miracles are near
So you decide never to give up hope
And you carry on climbing even a slippery the slope
The day may be full of apprehension
So you give it all over to G-d's attention
You do your best ,doing what you must
But there is a time that you just have to Trust
So with each new day that has come your way
Fill yourself with gratitude and don't astray
So that you remember that you are worth the fight
Because the world is in need of your authentic light

Saturday, August 18, 2018

The Land Woke Up

Israel was a land that was mostly sand
On which many for centuries dreamed to stand
It's vitality in hiding , milk and honey not flowing
For Israel without it's people had not much for the showing
The people began to recant and return
And the Land woke up and felt it's turn
Much sand receded giving way to redeeming green
Flowers , fruit and trees began to be seen
Beauty & potential aplenty still lie beneath the land & within the nation
Challenges abound with much work and anticipation
For 2000 years as individuals with not much more than a dream
Getting a nation to understand they are one takes time but we remain keen

Thursday, August 16, 2018

I am here

Israel is alive as long as I am here
For to wander no matter how long,is neither here nor there
Israel is vibrant through my simple life
No matter the attempts to augment national strife
In Israel the routine of going to the store
Ignites history making it so much more
Travelling to Jerusalem transcends what in my heart I will
For that seemingly mundane journey is a prophecy I fulfill
In Israel to live you cannot replace
As only here can our nation find it's true face

Sunday, July 8, 2018

All that we aspire

Israel is a Land that stands alone
In it's unique ,sublime,transcendent zone
Found in the limits of time but also above
For no matter those who attempt to destroy and shove
Israel survives because of G-d's enduring love.
So many in Israel try to be like any other nation
Missing the secret to meaningful elevation
They try to fit in and in many ways assimilate
In a feeble attempt to avoid some fearsome fate
For only those who are ignorant of their unmatched value
Will look elsewhere with envy and ask "What have you?"
Only as a nation in Israel when we learn to unite and each other inspire.
Will we be a light unto the nations and achieve all that we aspire

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Sublime of Heart( Mina Leah)

What will I do without your light
That warms the darkest night
Whom do I find so devoid of anything negative and full of care?
That exudes such a love from a heart beyond compare
I sit in solitude , the memories flood in , taking me oh so far
Whisking me away to a world where you still are
For a second I think, I wish I could stay
For then you would never have to go away
I find some joy in the many tears that flow
For they are testimony to our the deep connection that I was always proud to show
I will meet you every day in my thoughts, deeds and speech
Endeavoring daily to cherish, live and pass on the magnificent example that you us all did teach
Most of all you will live in my heart
For from you I cannot bear to be apart
And so my Gran so good and sublime of heart
this is not the end but a most meaningful start

Mina Leah

Mina Leah, a lady of quality & grace
No matter what she may have to face

So loving , caring, giving and kind
Even when challenged and in a bind

Thinking about others never wanting to be a bother
A light so bright and beautiful like no other

You opened your home with angelic pleasure
Where all & sundry felt a warmth so much more than a treasure

Always caring and full of concern
Looking to help always asking when is it my turn

A hug from you so thorough and whole
As it is from the depths of such a magnificent soul

With amazing love you massaged your grandchildren's feet
they so looked forward to that joyous bedtime meet

Family was paramount yet you found time to volunteer
For so much was your love without match or peer

To write about you one can never truly stop

For all who meet you always land up feeling on top

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

"Without gratitude what is life"

Without gratitude what is life ?
Good is blurred with the cataract of strife
All that is seen gives reason to complain
So what sits at the forefront is discomfort and pain
Life seems like nothing but dark tunnel vision
With each day making it"s debilitating incision
But the moment we choose to see life as a gift
Everything that was begins to shift
Expectation transforms into appreciation
The blessing of a new day ,a reason for elation
When it hits home that nothing is a foregone conclusion
We start to see the difference between enduring joy and illusion
The smallest things in life revealed as huge
Blessing and miracles become a daily deluge
For they were always around for us to see
As soon as we allowed gratitude to set us free.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Israel-no longer a dream

Israel today no longer a dream
All Exile is ,is blowing off steam
For 2000 years there was many a scream
As in the Desert G-d's word was taken bad
So the children of Israel didn't see what they had
It has taken too long for our eyes to see
That in Israel we belong to truly be free
So time for the dream to go upstream
And Israel to continually be more than they seem
Time for us to stand as one man one heart
Understanding that the best is yet to start

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Never forget( remembering the 6 million)

So many of you died on the pyres of world hate
In the nazi darkness because the world did no more than wait
By the time the nations awoke for you it was too late
We cannot forgive them for closing their gate
Clear is the lesson that Jews have no friend
As always with the Jew do their morals bend
From the fires of destruction we built a state
That said no more to other nations dictating our fate
A state that has always known trouble and battle
For it irks the world that we are no longer cattle
But a nation eternal that against all prediction
Survives all the giants who wished her eviction
We will never forget those millions we lost
how tragic and terrible the horrific cost
We will live as a nation eternal standing tall with pride
For our enemies now know it is they that should hide

Sunday, January 14, 2018

I am not Breslev, Chabad or Dati Leumi
I continue the tradition of Avraham HaIvri
I am not Belz , Vishnitz, Gur or Satmar
I choose "One man as One Heart" at the foot of the Har
I am not Litivish , Yeshivish,Chardal or Chareidi
I keep it simple and clear leaving no one as a maybe
I am not Modern Orthodox or Open Orthodox
I choose our Traditions Eternal , not the trends ,not even the lox
I am not traditional or secular or free for all
I choose purpose and meaning a reason to stand tall
I am just a Jew with Torah as my light
Leaving G-d to decide when and how others light will shine bright
See the Jew always and not the label
Then maybe Redemption will come willing and able
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