Thursday, December 29, 2011


A lone ship in a tempestuous Islamic sea

a shining beacon of the divinely free

tossed about on the dictatorial waves of hate

threatening to overwhelm if we do not relent and emulate

yet be they small or Tsunami high

It is not that sea which keeps us afloat

Even though many constantly attempt to sugar coat

For on Hashems (G-D) unending sea of mercy and kindness does Israel sail

And only with unity's blessing shall she prevail

Monday, December 26, 2011


As I bear witness to another day of sun

In the Land from whence no matter how far, no Jew can run

I go about my daily routine and at times even have some fun

Yet the freedom of each step that has withstood all manner of hate

brings much more to my simple gait

the charge of those who might have passed but in each step are always awake

for their sacrifice be they 6 million or one I will never forsake

Cherishing the gift of each moment here will keep selfish discord at bay

Fulfilling thus the Divine promise that this is the Land on which our nation will stay

Sunday, December 25, 2011


To many our existence as individuals and as a nation

is an annoying aberration

Legion have been the attempts to bring about our cessation

Any advancement of our interests a reason for further condemnation

Pleasing them is merely a fleeting affectation

Only our connection to Hashem(G-D) has kept us in circulation

When we anoint Hashem King in all areas of our lives as a nation

Our strength will be greatest on our land chosen for us before creation

Paving the way to the fulfilling joy of reJEWvenation


How you are missed King David of old

You never acted as if our land was sold

No matter our enemies words and actions, on you they had no hold

For you Hashem's(G-D'S) will was a reason to remain bold

No matter if former friends left you out in the cold

King David.. more does your story need to be told

Oh that more of our leaders would fit into your mold

Saturday, December 17, 2011


My Land when I look at you I don't see rocks and sand

I know on you I am where I can truly stand

Only on you can we be a nation no matter to where we disband

It is my privilege to know that in revealing your beauty I will always have a hand

Throughout the years three times a day have we held on to every strand

Even though many thought you were nothing more than a far off dreamland

Yet whatever the trial,tribulation or threat of political quicksand

Hope always had an opportunity to grandstand

As Hashem(G-D) always guaranteed that our reunion was planned

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Israel is the place where the lights are always on

For centuries many thought that light was gone

Perhaps we never payed attention from whence it shone

Could it be that we got involved in many a hue

That blinded us from seeing whats true

We juggled the foreign ,the familiar without a clue

Then when darkness came right on cue

6 million died and we thought we were through

Yet out of the ashes that light shone bright

Revealing the Land of our people despite our plight

Israel the land of life ,the land of light

Where it might get dark but with Hashem(G-d) it is never night

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


No matter what Israel does the world finds fault

Whatever Israels decisions there is always a continuous assault

Whatever image  Israel projects they always maintain she falls short

Yet there truly is no need to retort

For not to the worlds standard do we attempt to comport

From time immemorial the Divine has been our sort

As only to Hashem are we enjoined to report

Let it be known that we welcome true friends to our port

who unconditionally confer their support

Through unity will all and sundry comprehend that Hashem is our comfort ,our eternal fort

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


You jumped on a grenade to save others Roi Klein

Your self-sacrifice is hard to define

As with any deed that enters the Divine

When darkness seems to encroach upon Israel’s front line

I know that because of men like you we will eventually be fine

Your ultimate act of giving makes us all proud to say you are mine

To give yourself so consummately to others shows we could never be random but only of heavenly design

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


We are here to stay

With Hashem as guarantor,history as a witness we are not going away

No matter and despite any feeble attempt to lead us astray

regardless of any image you portray

Notwithstanding any legitimate claim you downplay

No threats, no rhetoric,no manner of malevolence will get us to break away

we will remain steadfast no matter the fray

For the fleeting that opposes the eternal awaits a future of continuous decay


Israel has no true friends that stay around

voluntary fickleness abounds

Their many faces do not a soul astound

They allow our overt foes to pursue us unbound

with a surreptitious hand in our every unwanted battleground

To rely on them will never ensure we stand our ground

Hashem has never left us and when we choose is always found

Fickle friends persist in this direction and who knows how long you will be around

Sunday, December 4, 2011


A nation eternal suffers and bleeds

Anyone that falls touches our hearts collective and individual
All are unique noone residual

When the young are taken

The very foundation of our world is shaken

The strength of our tears

hightens our worst fears

The unbroken chain of our eternal existence

strengthens and fortifies our Divinely inspired persistence

So we carry on knowing we will prevail

those, who of us have taken their leave

are now in their eternal reprieve

We will move forward and flourish even as we grieve

Saturday, December 3, 2011


We have been given the Land of the ages

From time immemorial as clarified by our sages

Forever it seems we are in the midst of a battle that rages

At times we hide ashamed and adopt temporary masks and that.. enrages

Yet should we open just a crack and let Hashem in we learn we always had the needed advantages

And our Holy Land within our reach not just one of many images

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Something simple and small that I try to live by which also helps me get right up if I fall:
Give it all over to Hashem,trust Hashem and don't be stressed
Know that it is just a test
all that you can do is your absolute best
with joy, motivation and zest
letting Hashem take care of all the rest
all the while knowing even if you do not understand that it is for the best


Israel is the home that we always desire
Israel is the home to which we will always aspire
Israel is the home whose beauty will always inspire
Israel is the home of which we will never tire
Israel is the home where we rise above our enemies funeral pyre
Israel is the home which we receive from Hashem and do not aquire
Israel is the home of our eternal Power


When I think of Israel I think of those no longer here
those that sacrificed voluntarily and involuntarily so that we should not fear
their sacrifice charges our batteries keeps us focused, all challenges shall we bear
our passion,dedication,devotion is their vindication
Accepting Hashem in every area of our lives will give us the courage to truly ,live and act as their nation
And then eventually victory will be ours an eternal celebration


If I were Israel I would feel immense power

If I were Israel I would treasure every hour 

If I were Israel before all enemies I would not cower

If I were Israel I would cherish its beauty even down to the smallest flower

If I were Israel its fruits for me always sweet never sour

If I were Israel I would stand firm through any storm flood or mere shower

If I were Israel above all obstacles I would tower

If I were Israel I would be joyous and never dour

Yet Israel I am Land People and Torah no further need I scour

Israel only with Hashem true eternal Power


The tears of two thousand years have never abated

In many kingdoms empires and lands have they been situated

by the hand of many a base people have they been instigated

through the tears of two thousand years has much blood torture,tragedy
been washed away

many remained loyal and many went astray

but the tears of two thousand years will always show the way

the ovens of recent years turned the tears from rivers to ocean

and from that ocean did we arrive at the shores of our nation

the tears of two thousand years to our Temple rebuilt and eternal jubilation


From time immemorial we have been given a promise Divine

Of a beautiful Land which fills the soul ,that every Jew can call mine

That eternal promise gives us the strength, fortitude, purpose to know that no matter the darkness we would always shine

On the wings of that promise have we survived the centuries, no matter the expulsions, slaughter , torture -Israel was always our baseline

That promise is finally starting to blossom ,for it to come to full bloom and not tarry our commitment to land ,heritage and people has to bear fruit and not remain a vine


To live in Israel can at times be deafening

For the voices of millions who never made it scream when our deeds betray their suffering

To walk in Israel can be tiresome

for each step vindicates the past and dictates the future of our nation and then some

To live in Israel amongst ones own at times can be like a train threatening to derail

Only through unity do we avoid the sin of the spies and a reason to bewail

Only through allowing the Divine presence to permeate the land, heritage and people will we truly and eventually prevail