Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Horizons are elastic for they expand
More is the pity when we do not lift a hand
Due to choices that blind making life seem bland
For we miss out on so much around us that is so grand
So let us pause and give ourselves the time to think and see
That there is more to life than just me
And so we find the space to become more than we ever thought we could be

Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Light Within Your Sight

Many seem to focus on what they have lost
Hanging on to the past no matter the cost
It is easier for many to shout and complain
For much is the work needed to find what one can gain
It less of an effort to look at others and judge
For then from our comfort zone we need not budge
We blame others for the place where we now live
Losing sight of our value and what we have to give
To wallow and drown in needless self derision
makes each day feel like a painful incision
So maybe it is time to stop and pause
And consider that excuses are connected to the cause
Learn to love yourself for the right reason
As G-d continues to do no matter life's season
The World you see is the world in which you believe
Look from another angle and amaze yourself by what there is to receive
Make the journey from expectation to appreciation then overnight
Life is no longer a given but a gift whose light is now within your sight