Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Many talk of the burdens they bear
They beseech the Heavens with cries of"Its not fair"
To find a day without a complaint is indeed rare
Such are the troubles of some that for others they have no second to spare
And for them the light at the end of the tunnel is but a far off glare
Some make a choice and give themselves a dare
Not to give in but to focus on that about which they positively care
To rejuvenate their step in the face of troubles fanfare
To find the the thread no matter the tear
They allow themselves to share with G-D the burden they bear
So then the light is not at the end of the tunnel but wherever they declare

Thursday, July 24, 2014


If I were Israel I would feel immense power

If I were Israel I would treasure every hour 

If I were Israel before all enemies I would not cower

If I were Israel I would cherish its beauty even down to the smallest flower

If I were Israel its fruits for me always sweet never sour

If I were Israel I would stand firm through any storm flood or mere shower

If I were Israel above all obstacles I would tower

If I were Israel I would be joyous and never dour

Yet Israel I am Land People and Torah no further need I scour

Israel only with Hashem true eternal Power

Friday, January 10, 2014



A majestic dimension where there is no weekday mask

A time where we reignite our eternal task

Unhindered by the facades of the rat race

Getting in tune with our Divine pace

We bask in the warmth of G-Ds hallowed light

Releasing our infinite potential harnessing G-D's glorious might

Recharging our souls while maintaining our miracle sight

Shabbat our smidgen of Heaven on earth

Our reality check full of holiness of which there is no dearth

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I think about Israel

I think about Israel and all the debate

I think about those who question Israel the state

I think about those who feel they decide Israel's fate

My decision is that no one will make me irate

For every day I walk this land I remain victorious

Fulfilling prophecies ,what could be more glorious?

For every day I walk this land I validate our past

On the wings of a promise Divine I know we will always last