Sunday, December 3, 2017

Hug each moment

Live life as if each day is a new lease on life
Look past people's issues and masks
We all have our inner wars no matter our tasks
Always look for the greatness and goodness in people despite any challenging choices
Life is too precious to live in ego's tantalizing distraction
Never wait for the bad to realize what you have and had
Hug each moment and each loved one with passionate gratitude
Live Life as if everything and everyone is a miracle
and Let the blessing of your light make day of darkest night

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

This New Day

What a privilege it is to open my eyes each day
Never a guarantee but always my mainstay
To find myself in the might of new day's light
Excites within me the fight to reach a new height
I will not excuse myself out of this day's hope
And will climb with passion no matter how steep the slope
If G-d has chosen me to be in this new day
No matter what I face I will make headway
I will open my heart to feel the blessing and miracle
And engage myself fully to to reach the day's pinnacle
Through a lens of Divinely forged gratitude and joy
I will, with humble awe embrace this day with full deploy

Monday, August 21, 2017

Live a life of giving

Live a life of giving for when you give you expand
Giving to another is always giving of yourself
Helping others feel worthy in living
A life of giving shows you are always in need
For there is no day that has too many a good deed
So even if you do not have much
And all you might have is a good word to give
Know that because of you someone might choose to live
No one can promise what for you will be
But when you give with a full heart
No matter how bleak things may seem
For some reason you keep going
As in living a life of giving you know even if you cannot explain
That you are igniting a flame that keeps the light of life burning strong
So that you can still see and grab onto the life that can be when it is meant to be.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Count Your Blessings

How do you go a day without counting your miracles & blessings
For even if you believe them to be few and far between
only when you count then are they truly seen
Never let them out of your sight
For they are the reasons you continue to fight
And the words of your Thankfulness
Lead to the actions of your gratitude
Which infuses meaningful life into your attitude

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

I Can

I will always learn to see and seek what I can
For to focus on what I cannot is to impose on myself a ban
I want to open my eyes to more than now
replacing I cannot with I can allows me to find out how
Allowing me to become aware of G-d's surrounding Wow
I can unleashes the authentic me
The only way I have a chance to be free
For it catapults me forward more than any word
Leading to action that keeps me significant and never lost in the herd
The blessing to be able to be what I can is a clear sign
That no matter what I need never resign my Divine design

No Excuse

Hashem I resolve to no further excuse myself from life
I do not want to be the harbinger of needless strife
How captivating the temptation of a comforting excuse
that distracts me into a life draining ruse without any enduring use
Hashem I know that excuse can be another word for fear
but I start to realize that at times to succeed you need to shed a tear
Excuses limit what I am open to believe
Convincing me that this is all I will ever achieve
Hashem I see now that excuses are no more than comfort zone glue
Keeping me from living a life that is authentic and true
Excuses remain words and reasons lead to meaningful action
which paves the way to my life's enduring satisfaction

Monday, May 1, 2017

I hug this day

Hashem I hug this day that you have given me
I am in awe of all that I did see
I mourn that which I miss
Yet grateful for all Your gracious bliss
I transcend the obstacle to see the miracle
Full of prayer that this night is a herald of a new morning's light

The Metaphor

The power of the metaphor is of legend and lore
As we give it life when it is illusion and nothing more
The power of the metaphor to many seems to be law
For when used it is accepted as a closed door
When we can see that metaphor is not a destination
but rather a vehicle that goes in the direction of our mind's location
We can change the script to empower a mind state
So life can go forward before it is too late

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Horizons are elastic for they expand
More is the pity when we do not lift a hand
Due to choices that blind making life seem bland
For we miss out on so much around us that is so grand
So let us pause and give ourselves the time to think and see
That there is more to life than just me
And so we find the space to become more than we ever thought we could be

Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Light Within Your Sight

Many seem to focus on what they have lost
Hanging on to the past no matter the cost
It is easier for many to shout and complain
For much is the work needed to find what one can gain
It less of an effort to look at others and judge
For then from our comfort zone we need not budge
We blame others for the place where we now live
Losing sight of our value and what we have to give
To wallow and drown in needless self derision
makes each day feel like a painful incision
So maybe it is time to stop and pause
And consider that excuses are connected to the cause
Learn to love yourself for the right reason
As G-d continues to do no matter life's season
The World you see is the world in which you believe
Look from another angle and amaze yourself by what there is to receive
Make the journey from expectation to appreciation then overnight
Life is no longer a given but a gift whose light is now within your sight

Saturday, February 18, 2017

For 50 years

For 50 years you have been married
For 50 years your love has carried

For 50 years you have been together
For 50 years no matter the weather

For 50 you have given your all
For 50 years so that your family and others may stand tall

For 50 years you have been there
For 50 years even when we were not aware

For 50 years you have shown more than love
For 50 years clearly blessings from above

For 50 years such legendary family devotion
For 50 years inspiring us into motion

For 50 years living by example
For 50 years engaging life fully and not a sample

For 50 years you encourage and empower
For 50 years always there no matter the hour

For 50 year giving and continuing to care
For 50 years greatness beyond compare

For 50 more years may G-d grant us the blessing of your light
For 50 more years may G-d grant you a delectable life enjoying each unique bite

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Never purport....

Never purport to know the sort
For then it truth it is with yourself that you do court
Put your efforts in rehabilitating your thought
Then life until now will not have been for naught
The more you invest in trying to change another
The more it becomes clear that it is you who are the bother
Spend more time releasing your authentic light
Then others may realize that they too are worth the fight

You Never Know...

You never know what hides behind a person's face
You have no inkling of how they fill their inner space
You will never be fit enough to run their race
Be there in the crowd to help and cheer
So they see your smile whenever they fear
Show them that they always had the gold
So they keep on running finding that it is not the medal but what they choose to hold