Monday, January 20, 2020

Not Me

Other people are not me
And they are under no obligation to be
Yet they are part of G-d just like me
And so to respect them is to respect me and G-d you see
To want and desire to understand another
Is to empower ourselves and each other
To insist that others should be as me
Is to ignore the parts and miss the whole
Limiting my part of G-d ,my soul
Preventing me from my fuller life my Divine role
So every day I endeavor to go beyond me
And taste a little more of what it is to be Divinely free

Wanting To Connect

In wanting to connect with a loved one more
So much that it reaches your core
But you find their actions overflowing with distaste
So forward you go and you back off in haste
Torn inside, misguided on the outside
You think you have good intent
Yet others your actions start to resent
And the distance between causes you to lament
You start to accept that change has to come from you
For you value the relationship more than any issue
So with honest resolve and belated humility
You know that to do what you need you have the ability
So suddenly you see the person as more than before
A whole made of different parts with so much in store
On their own path with Divine value to add
So no matter what just like you they cannot ever be all bad