Tuesday, April 24, 2018

"Without gratitude what is life"

Without gratitude what is life ?
Good is blurred with the cataract of strife
All that is seen gives reason to complain
So what sits at the forefront is discomfort and pain
Life seems like nothing but dark tunnel vision
With each day making it"s debilitating incision
But the moment we choose to see life as a gift
Everything that was begins to shift
Expectation transforms into appreciation
The blessing of a new day ,a reason for elation
When it hits home that nothing is a foregone conclusion
We start to see the difference between enduring joy and illusion
The smallest things in life revealed as huge
Blessing and miracles become a daily deluge
For they were always around for us to see
As soon as we allowed gratitude to set us free.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Israel-no longer a dream

Israel today no longer a dream
All Exile is ,is blowing off steam
For 2000 years there was many a scream
As in the Desert G-d's word was taken bad
So the children of Israel didn't see what they had
It has taken too long for our eyes to see
That in Israel we belong to truly be free
So time for the dream to go upstream
And Israel to continually be more than they seem
Time for us to stand as one man one heart
Understanding that the best is yet to start

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Never forget( remembering the 6 million)

So many of you died on the pyres of world hate
In the nazi darkness because the world did no more than wait
By the time the nations awoke for you it was too late
We cannot forgive them for closing their gate
Clear is the lesson that Jews have no friend
As always with the Jew do their morals bend
From the fires of destruction we built a state
That said no more to other nations dictating our fate
A state that has always known trouble and battle
For it irks the world that we are no longer cattle
But a nation eternal that against all prediction
Survives all the giants who wished her eviction
We will never forget those millions we lost
how tragic and terrible the horrific cost
We will live as a nation eternal standing tall with pride
For our enemies now know it is they that should hide